Author Archives: admin

Camera Clarification

This clarification text has been prepared by Neh İnşaat Turizm ve Otelcilik Ulaşım Tic. A.Ş. ( ‘’Sunlight Hotel’’) acting in the capacity of data controller, within the framework of Article 10 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVKK”) … Read More

What Makes a Great Group Trip?

Phasellus blandit eros at justo rutrum, vel posuere sapien volutpat. Ut facilisis nulla at est ornare, vitae pharetra lectus hendrerit. Pellentesque sit amet vulputate ligula. Nullam suscipit hendrerit metus, et blandit tellus fermentum ut. Aenean leo quam, hendrerit nec ante … Read More